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What is a target letter?

On Behalf of | Jan 7, 2024 | Criminal Defense

A target letter is a document in criminal law in the United States. It is a formal notification sent by a federal prosecutor to an individual, informing them that they are the target of an ongoing criminal investigation. 

This letter indicates that the prosecutor has substantial evidence linking the individual to a crime, which is a precursor to potential criminal charges. Understanding the full impact of this letter and what it means is necessary to know what to do next. 

The significance of receiving a target letter

Upon receiving a target letter, an individual is made aware that they are under serious scrutiny by federal authorities. This letter is a significant step in the investigative process, as it typically indicates that the prosecution believes it has enough evidence to potentially bring charges. It serves as a formal warning and can significantly impact the legal strategy of the individual involved.

Legal implications and response strategies

Receiving a target letter necessitates immediate and careful action. The individual should promptly seek help from someone who fully understands federal criminal law. This individual can provide guidance on how to respond to the investigation, protect the individual’s rights and potentially negotiate with the prosecutor. In some cases, early legal intervention might lead to a more favorable outcome, such as reduced charges or even a decision by the prosecutor not to pursue charges.

There is no question that a target letter is a serious matter. It is something that should not be ignored. Taking the right steps upon receiving this letter is recommended. Those who receive the letter should also ensure they fully understand the legal rights and options they have to traverse the situation effectively.